Az NIV Study Bible az egyik legismertebb tanulmányozó Biblia angolnyelven. Jegyzetanyag, bevezetői, térképei, valamint kereszthivatkozásaiigazi kinccsé teszik az olvasó számára.
The NIV Study Bible is the leading and most widely used Bible ofits kind. No other study Bible combines the world's most popularBible translation - the NIV - with such comprehensive study notes,written by the original NIV translators. Giving you a huge range ofin-depth study information to help you understand the Bible, withstriking section breaks and colour features throughout.
The NIVStudy Bible uses the fully revised and updated text of theNew International Version and is renowned for being both accessibleand accurate. The NIV Study Bible notes are the work of the sametranslation team that produced the NIV Bible text. Special interestareas, such as character study, archaeology and personal application, arecoded for easy navigation. The words of Christ are featured in red.
* Over 20,000 study notes, with icons to make important information easy to spot
* Introductions and outlines provide valuable background information for each book of the Bible
* In-text maps, charts, diagrams, and illustrations visually clarify the stories in the Bible
* Full-colour maps plus time lines and presentation page
* Words of Christ in red
* NIV concordance plus subject and study notes indexes
* 8.9pt / 9.25pt text