Angol Biblia - New Living Translation, Filament Enabled Edition (Red Letter, Cloth, Zipper, Floral Garden)
Angol Biblia - New Living Translation, Filament Enabled Edition (Red Letter, Cloth, Zipper, Floral Garden)

Angol Biblia - New Living Translation, Filament Enabled Edition (Red Letter, Cloth, Zipper, Floral Garden)

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7650 Ft

7650 Ft
850 Ft (10%)

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The compact edition of the new Filament-enabled Bible line extends the appeal of a collection of portable Bibles that provide readers access to more content without carrying more. Appealing to anyone who uses a mobile phone or tablet, the Filament Bible Collection is a line of lightweight print Bibles featuring a first-in-market app that connects readers to extensive content related to any page they are reading. Readers simply scan a page number of the Filament Bible with the simple-to-use free Filament Bible app on their mobile device to instantly access study notes; devotionals from authors such as Chris Tiegreen, Nancy Guthrie, Colin S. Smith, and Harold Myra; interactive maps; articles; teaching videos (The Bible Project); and worship music (The Worship Initiative) related to the verse or passage of Scripture being read.
ISBN: 9781496455505
Kiadó: CLC Magyarország
Méretek: 120 x 173 x 18 mm
Súly: 0,306kg
Kötés: Vászonkötés, cipzáras
Nyelv: angol

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