An Alphabetical Index to over 200,000 Scripture Reference with Index to Proper Names and Their Meanings.
The Study of the Word of God can best be facilitated by a wise and constant use of this Concordance. Here you will find almost every word of the whole Bible arranged alphabetically, so that at any time the student may find the location of any passage that he may desire. By this means also, the student will discover that many statements are incorrectly quoted from the Bible. Sometimes questions are made which are not found in the Bible in any form. This may be discovered by consulting your Concordance and looking for any of the prominent words used in that quotation.
By mens of this Concordance the studant may study any subject desired. For istance, you might wish to study the subject of trees. Find the word "tree" in the Concordance, and then notice every place where the word occurs, and what is the subject under consideration. You will find that the "oak tree" is usually mentioned in connection with death. The "fig tree" is usually connected with political Israel, etc.
If you hear a verse of Scripture quoted, and you do not know where it is found, seek the prominent word in the Concordance, follow down the Scriptures that are listed there, and you will find the verse that you desire to locate.
This Concordance is a library of instruction. It is a lexikon of explanation. It is source of inspiration and knowledge which is indispensable to the Bible student. permit me to encourage every student of the Word of God to own a cop of this wonderful and valuable book. - Walter L. Wilson, M.D., L.H.D.