"Faith in God is rising, yet so is skepticism. The evidence for the existence of God must be grasped and clearly articulated to answer this challenge," says author Rice Broocks. "The success of the atheistic agenda is mostly due to the fact that the theistic responses to atheists' claims have not been widely circulated."
God's Not Dead guides seekers and reminds believers that...
- real faith is not blind - it is based on evidence;
- life is no accident - there is meaning and purpose in the universe;
- good and evil are no illusions;
- the God who exists has revealed Himself in history through Jesus Christ.
Drawing from the areas of philosophy, science, history, and theology, we can form persuasive arguments for God's existence and His presence in our lives. This book equips us with the tools, providing clear, easy-to-follow explanations of the key concepts and controversies. God's Not Dead is apologies for the twenty-first century.