Discover the life-enriching biblical application you're searching for inThe Lucado Life Lessons Study Bible. With more than 1,000 "LifeLessons" offering insights straight from Max, the message of God's Wordwill be more meaningful and impactful than ever.
This beautifullydesigned Bible contains practical application drawn from Max Lucado'sentire career from his first book to his latest release, Outlive YourLife. For the first time, all the devotional material in thisfully-revised edition of The Inspirational Study Bible is from MaxLucado and uses the popular and reliable New King James Versiontranslation!
Bible readers will:
* Gain a unique, inspirationally focused view of Scripture
* Experience God's interaction with people like themselves
* Acquire new perspectives from the devotional insights of Max Lucado
* Shine a light on "the map that leads us to God's highest treasure"